

Hokkaido is the second largest and northern most island in Japan.  It produces many agricultural products like potatoes, wheat, corn and soybean.  It is home to volcanic mountains, lush forests, rolling fields and expansive lakes.  The distinct seasons and significant temperature swings between night and day give rise to breathtaking natural phenomena like mist, frost and diamond dust. 

My first trip to Hokkaido was during winter as a child.  I was enchanted by its snow-capped mountains and quiet winter forests.  The profound impression of this place stayed with me into adulthood, and I longed to return.  Now when I visit, it conjures a nostalgia for those childhood memories.   Wanting to be closer to Hokkaido, I relocated to work in Tokyo ten years ago and eventually left my finance job.    

Whenever I am in Hokkaido, my mind clears, my heart rate slows and my smiles return.  The images that I have made there through each season reflect the sometimes unexpected or surprising changes that I have experienced.  Hokkaido has enabled me to rediscover myself, and recalibrate the pace and direction of my life.


I dedicate ‘Metamorphosis’ to all the teachers who have touched my life in one way or another, in particular to my mentor Nevada Wier for helping me develop my voice in photography and inspiring me with the generosity of her spirit.
