
What Will You Remember - 'Stardust'

I’m delighted that Metamorphosis #11 was featured in What Will You Remember?’s “Stardust”, along with some amazing artists and friends’ work. Thank you Suzanne Révy and Elin Spring for including my piece too 🤗🙏❤️☃️

Metamorphosis #11 (Hokkaido, 2017)

What Will You Remember - 'The New Dawn Blooms'

Thank you Elin Spring, Suzanne Révy (What Will You Remember?)! I am on cloud nine to be part of 'The New Dawn Blooms' - featuring an extract of Amanda Gorman's inspiring poem with beautiful images from various artists.

When day comes we step out of the shade,
aflame and unafraid
The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we’re brave enough to be it
~ excerpt from “The Hill We Climb” by Amanda Gorman

I remember sports psychologist, Peter Usher, encouraged us to stick inspiring phrases on our walls to remind ourselves to be positive. I need to revive this practice!

Metamorphosis #2 (Hokkaido, 2019)

What Will You Remember - A Spectrum of Exposure

I met Elin Spring (What Will You Remember?) at LACP’s Exposure Weekend portfolio reviews Jan 21-24, 2021. I am excited to be featured along with other reviewees in A Spectrum of Exposure on their website. Thank you for all the advice, Elin!

Remembrance #4 (Aomori, 2019)

Remembrance #4 (Aomori, 2019)